Some Mumbai Street photos

Mumbai Street photos Mumbai traffic is quiet in the morning in this part of the city. 

Metered Taxi in Mumbai

Mumbai street photos - metered taxi

The sight of idols of gods and goddesses is a common thing in India inside vehicles. Also commonly found is a bunch of lemon and 7 green chilies hung some where on the vehicle. This superstitious practice is apparently to ward off evil spirits and jealousy.

Seen below is an idol of Lord Ganesh, widely worshiped in Maharashtra. Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom.

mumbai street photos - hindu idols inside cars india

An old man reading a pamphlet with "Frooti" (an Indian Mango drink) to quench his thirst.

A street vendor with Harley Davidson toys bikes.

A street vendor with Harley Davidson bike toys.

Quiet Mumbai traffic in the early morning before the buzz.

Quiet Mumbai traffic in the early morning.

The Imperial Twin Towers in the background. The Imperial is a twin-tower residential skyscraper complex in Mumbai, India that are the tallest completed buildings in the country.

The Imperial Twin Towers in Mumbai

The rich and the poor: 

Dhobi Ghat, which is an open air laundromat in Mumbai, India
Seen here is Dhobi Ghat, which is an open air laundromat in Mumbai, India. The washers, locally known as Dhobis, work in the open to wash clothes mostly from Mumbai's hotels and hospitals.

Dhobi Ghat, which is an open air laundromat in Mumbai, India

Dhobi Ghat, which is an open air laundromat in Mumbai, India
